Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Latest

Well, again we have been so busy with "stuff" and have missed blogging all that's happening! Here's the latest:
Cooper started swimming lesson, and Taylor is still a little fish! She is jumping off the step and going straight into her floating position! It really is amazing! Cooper's new instructor is Nathan, and Taylor LOVES her swim teacher "Miss Christina"!

We had a great Mother's Day. We spent the morning with the Jarvis/Hustead family (first time we have all been together in a while), and then ended our night with the Dixon family at Papalucci's. It was a great day with the family! Scott was even off...yay!
AND...Cooper went to his first Angel game. Taylor also had her first "tailgate". She thought it was pretty neat eating dinner in the back of Mommy's car!

Cooper has also started crawling AND standing (holding on to something...for dear life!!!). Below are the latest standing photos. As soon as I can figure out how to add video, I will attach that too!

And last..We had our first day at the beach this year. Both Taylor AND Cooper REALLY loved the sand!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

All is calm...for now!

Well...We have had a hectic few weeks at the Dixon household! All is calm...for now. Just a few weeks before school comes to an end and Scott's Junior Guard program begins.

SOOO much has happened at the Dixon home, here's a "brief" update!
Taylor... Still as active as ever! We all went to the San Diego Wild Animal park, along with her Cousin, Maya!
Cooper... STARTED TO CRAWL!!!! He is also getting his 5th and 6th teeth! He is growing up way too fast!
Scott... Finally finished his 4-month UICC dive class AND his Boat Operator Test/Practical/Interview!!!!!!! We found out last week that he did very well, and we are SOOO proud of him! He was also sick for a week with the flu and bronchitis (we're so glad he is well again).
Kendra... I have been busy with school and home. We were able to enjoy a family weekend in San Diego about a week ago. Our first night was spent with my sister's family in Escondido. We took my niece with us to the Wild Animal Park, and then spent a fun night with my sister's family at her home. We then went on to La Jolla for a night where we were joined by our good friends Dirk and Erin. The weather was FANTASTIC! We spent a day "lounging" at the pool (who am I kidding...Taylor and Cooper were there too..we lounged in shifts), and had a fun day at the beach (Scott even braved surfing the "shark infested" waters of San Diego). We had the absolute perfect family weekend that we were all desperately craving!