Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Taylor's First Day of Preschool

We can't believe our little Taylor is ready for preschool. We have been doing so much to get ready for the big day. Taylor has been telling everyone she knows that schools starts "tomorrow"...for the past month. She planned every single item that would go in her Cinderella lunchbox on the first day. And when Dad asked if she was going to be a good girl at school, she replied, "Yes, Daddy...and I won't pick my nose!"

We were up nice and early to get ready for the big day! It was so much fun that we ALL were able to take Taylor on her first day. Taylor said goodbye to us before she even got out of the car! We had to talk her into letting us come in to take pictures of her in her new classroom! When it was time to leave, Mommy got a little teary-eyed, Daddy quietly gave hugs and kisses, and Cooper SCREAMED "Taylor" as we pulled him away. Taylor, on the other hand, quickly waved good-bye and sat on the carpet. We CAN'T believe she is starting school, but are so proud of our little baby girl!

Leaving the house...READY to go!!

Taylor & Cooper walking to the school!

Taylor & Ms. Riggins!

Taylor at her cubby!

Taylor & Daddy testing out the new desks!

Cooper was NOT happy to say goodbye!
Carpet time

One of the school pets, Charlie!
We went back to see Taylor eating her FIRST lunch at school!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Taylor's 3rd & Cooper's 2nd Pirate Birthday Party

It was a wonderful day at the beach for Taylor's 3rd and Cooper's 2nd Birthday Party. With a Pirate Theme, we had the taco cart,cupcakes, a boat rides, and even a scavenger hunt for the kids. Taylor and Cooper still can't stop talking about how much fun they had. Thanks to everyone who came to make their day so special!

"Happy Birthday to us"

The girls' annual picture at the bay!

Fun boat rides for the kids!!

Taylor & Mommy opening presents...where's Cooper???

Sunday, February 15, 2009

4-Month Update...and counting

So...again...I have let so much time go by without documenting the precious memories. I will give a month-to-month update. Here are updates through December. I will get 2009 up soon...hopefully!
Making a plate for Santa's cookies at Color Me Mine!
The Jarvis/Hustead/Dixon Families at the Jarvis family Christmas party

Our new neighbor, Vienne, at Kathy Coulter's Christmas Party
Taylor & Cooper's favorite babysitters
Lexie, (Cooper), Molly, (Taylor), & Allison

Cooper & Taylor in thier Christmas outfits.
Decorating for Christmas was a blast!


Taylor and Cooper's First Trip to Disneyland. It was a BLAST! As you can see, Cooper was even able to ride several of the rides. Taylor's LOVED the princesses!!!

Cinderella...her FAVORITE!!!!

Thanksgiving at the Jarvis House

Thanksgiving in Catalina with the Dixons

We took our wonderful family pictures with Tara ( She AMAZINGLY knows how to capture the best of our spunky little ones, and our loving family!


Taylor & Cooper visited Georgie's Fire Station! They both LOVED it!!!!

We went to our wonderful friends Josh & Sarah's Wedding in Ojai, California
(first weekend without the kids)!

We enjoyed a FANTASTIC weekend with Tim & Kirsten Wells. We sailed over on Kirsten's parents' boat, and had a wonderful time. Although we LOVE getting the kids together, it was nice to spend time with our good friends, without picking up toys and cutting all the food into bite-sized pieces!