Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Summer is in full swing!

Our growing little peas-in-a-pod!

Not much new at the Dixon household. We are enjoying our summer with day and evening trips to the beach and yacht club pool, we've had a few days out on the boat, and have spent a lot of time just relaxing together. Scott is busy with Junior Guards, and we are all busy with the annual Lifeguard summer activities. We have had a blast visiting with our dear friends! We are very much looking forward to our weekend in Seattle. I am in my friend/former roommate/sorority sister Maggie's wedding. It will be a great celebration, as well as a special time spent with our friends. We will even get a few day after the wedding as a family to explore the city! I will send out more pictures from our summer activities once they are downloaded (that seems to be my hang-up). Here are just a few!

Cooper is just trying to keep up!

Cute bath pose!

Poor Taylor had the Flu pretty badly at the beginning of summer.
This was her favorite thing to do while she wasn't feeling well.

My Teaching Partner, Jill Brick, and me on the last day of school...Cheers!

(yes...we match...we received our cute outfits from our students/patent's year-end gift)

Taylor jumping into Papa's pool (Maya watching & waiting for her turn)!

Papa with his Grandkids celebrating Father's Day!

Happy 4th of July from our little miss Freedom (nice pose..I think I see Sheena in this one)!

Notice her nice "shiner" in this one. Just a little face plant on the sidewalk!

1 comment:

The Hustead Family said...

Love the pictures. I miss the kids SO much! (and you and Scott too!!)